@livfitkarl: I love it when my clients follow their workout plans and achieve their fitness goals. Ryan wanted to put on muscle and he did just that. He gained 16 plus pounds of muscle in just 6 short months. He followed the program, put in consistent work, and the gains are evident. Clients like this make my job easy, as they do all the hard work, but provide proof that that the system works. If you’re a busy dad (or adult) looking to get in shape and create a healthy lifestyle for you and your family, I got you. I give you everything that you need to be successful. 1️⃣ Custom workout plans 2️⃣ Individualized meal plans 3️⃣ Progress tracking together 4️⃣ 24/7 communication & support #onlinefitnesstraining #fitnessonlinecoaching #fitnesstransformationjourney #fitover30 #fitnessdad @realhaugy