@dr.skinimin: Throw out ideas of ways we can make some a real difference and impact. Beyond donations, I’m thinking educating on how to control a GSW in the field to the general public and how to fight back against an attacker #gunviolenceawareness #michiganstateuniversity #msushooting #michiganstateshooting #msu #michiganstatespartans
Erika, DO - Dr. T
Region: US
Tuesday 14 February 2023 13:17:21 GMT
xo.lizethhp :
My sister was a victim … I wanted to run to her from Florida 🥺 we are just now arriving here 😞
2023-02-14 16:00:21
rach 🤍🌲 :
none of us should have to be listening to a police scanner, turning lights off, barricading our dorm doors. it was terrifying and sad
2023-02-14 18:56:56
Wasting Time 2020 :
I got my BSN from MSU and my son just graduated. I am sad and mad. I hope your sister is doing Ok today. We HAVE to come together and demand change!
2023-02-14 17:34:37
Caffienolgist :
I went to msu and I just can’t wrap my head how this happened in the places I spent so much time at with my friends :(
2023-02-14 16:02:43
Erika, DO - Dr. T :
Reach out to the ones you love and tell them how much they mean to you
2023-02-14 13:52:25
kathywolfontv :
Prayers for healing and hugs to you Rik
2023-02-14 13:41:09
Merchelle :
I don’t even know how these kids are going to even want to come back on Monday!! I know I definitely wouldn’t want to.
2023-02-14 21:40:12
annaelown :
We’re hurting badly right now, but if there’s any community I think will prevail & make change - it’s ours. Spartans Will💚
2023-02-14 21:21:06
Krissy | MS2 ⚕️ :
Omg I saw this last night! Such a crazy world we live in. praying for those involved 🥺
2023-02-14 14:02:13
Keaton Jones :
We live 1.5 hours away and I am always available to talk!!! We used to live right near there last year. @ajlovesdisney
2023-02-14 23:33:14
Brooke S :
On instagram @mayamanuel_ Is arranging a peaceful sit down infront of the capital in lancing tomorrow. Feel free to look at her Insta for more info
2023-02-14 21:24:19
Bella 📚🩵 :
i’m a student that was in the dorms last night and heard stuff. i’m still shaken about this happening in a place that’s so dear to me.
2023-02-14 21:10:07
kay :
the msu shooting on top of all the shootings in grand rapids has me physically sick.. when will this end? i am physically ill thinking about it.. :(
2023-02-14 22:33:52
LeoMightyLionKitten :
I’m near campus. Can I help?
2023-02-15 02:20:48
gabby🦆🦆 :
i’m only a freshman and live in the deep south, my heart aches for everyone and i stand with msu.
2023-02-14 20:46:26
maya 🌞 :
thank you💚
2023-02-14 21:35:09
M Look :
reform. they need to never worry about being shot at school
2023-02-14 20:45:53
haaseaub :
current staff member & alum here, with a sister who lives in landon hall. my heart is hurting and I feel so helpless
2023-02-14 22:21:11
Kaitlin :
MSU Strong 💚
2023-02-14 15:56:12
KB in Healthcare :
I’m so sorry 😔
2023-02-14 14:47:24
🌜Stephanie :
When I got the first text from my sister last night I wanted to take her place. The fear she felt last night. I pray for the families💚🤍
2023-02-14 23:39:23
Moms will be on campus on Monday to give out hugs and treats 💚. Find us at the rock!
2023-02-18 16:32:02
Victoria 🆘 🇺🇸 😭💙 :
I’m from NIU and to wake up and see this…I’m broken all over again 🥺
2023-02-15 02:03:41
JAlta :
An MSU alum here, there is a cashapp right now available for students for food and gas money. Will follow you and send the link.
2023-02-14 21:18:39
user3743903140355 :
Prayers for MSU!
2023-02-15 03:36:52
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