@reenasplants: 🌿MONTHLY REMINDER TO CLEAN YOUR HOUSEPLANT LEAVES🌿 My large leafed plants, such as my monstera, collect dust quicker than other plants so I’m frequently having to wipe down the leaves. I find this plant care task so satisfying and relaxing— I love seeing the before and after of the leaves. I recently picked up these microfiber gloves which make the cleaning process way easier! Gloves are in my amazon storefront ☺️ What do you use to clean your plant leaves? . . . . #plants #houseplants #urbanjungle #indoorplants #monstera #indoorjungle #plantcare #plantcaretips #livingwithplants #monstera #plantsoftiktok #PlantTok #planttiktok #houseplantsoftiktok #monsteradeliciosa #plantshelfie houseplant care | plant care tips | indoor jungle