@silverliberation: If there ever were a time when I wish I had a man in my life, it would be now. Dealing with now three different plumbers, and no one sharing information with one another so it's starting the story over every single time. And nothing is getting fixed. Still with no running working faucet in the kitchen sink. 👉I am praying for patience, I am praying for a positive resolution to this sink faucet dilemma.🙏 ##PlumbingIssues##PlumbingIssuesAgain##HeMadeItWorse##MadeItWorse##Kholer#s#singlewomenover50S#SilverLiberationi#imtiredofthist#theybrokeitG#GrannyHairDontcareIN#INeedAHandymano#womansworkisneverdonee#leakingfauceth#thishappenedyesterdayo#noahsarky#myplumberman