@thebarefootsprinter: Are you athletic enough to be a runner? One of the biggest myths around running is that you just need the right pair of shoes to do it. But that’s not enough. You need to be strong and bouncy in the right tissues to run well and not get hurt. That means your fascia and connective tissue! There is a reason that Matt is crushing the distance running game after playing football in college. He built his foundation! Of course, you’re probably not ready for 2,000 hops a day, but even doing 100 would be great to start. And if your feet or shins are in pain, you need to address that first. DM “FEET” to @thebarefootsprinter for a program to fix it! Make sure to follow @mattchoi6 for incredible tips on running and look out for a program on how to get started! - - - - - #feet #foot #Running #footpain #run #athlete #runningform #ankles #ankle #runner #jump#jumprope #hop #jumping #hopping #runforlife #fascia #tendons #achillestendons #runningstrength #runstrong