@lilitha_ntsundwani: 💡Are you in Grade 12 or looking forward to being a Matriculant or re-writing your Matric English? 💡Do you struggle with analysing a Poem & understanding the elements of a Petrarchan Sonnet? 💡Are you having difficulties in catching a Poem addressing love and death simultaneously? 📝IF YES, WATCH THIS SIMPLIFIED TUTORING SESSION of the Poem by Christina Rossetti titled REMEMBER: 🔔 ##FullVideoon YouTube, Link On bio ##Subscribe##IstandAsTheLight##KingdomPoet##i2kElibhadlileyo##LilithaNtsundwani##fyp##English##MatricEnglish##SonnetAnalysis##Sonnet##Remember##Grade12##MatricRewrite##Accredited##Tutor##TutoringSession##OnlineTutor##PART1