@claudel.king.kompa.dance: I love me, this is my #1 priority. I will never allow people without hobbies, passion, make me forget or ignore mine... Life is too short, to be jealous of people who just want to live.. With times, i developed my skills, i didn't start this way, i love to move my body, i trained hard to do what i love, to be creative, bcuz music and dance both are arts... . Miserable people, are always jealous of others, this is why, i limit myself to this society, bcuz people are Hating for no reasons, just bcuz they don't have a life others have.. . I dance for fun, i also dance, to please my soul, my spirit, and my body to feel good, and in great shape.. . . I'm the only kompa dancer in the world, who can dance freely, the way I'm doing it, not being bored to the viewers, i do unimaginable things, and these skills, are my own creativities.. . . . . . . . ________________________________ FOLLOW ME 🇭🇹🇭🇹🇭🇹🌍🌎🌏 @claudel.professeur.kompa @claudel.kompa.dance.instructor @kompa.movement @sakpase.509 @nulife.kompa.dance.studio __________________<<<<>>>>>>>> [email protected] We offer KOMPA DANCE CLASS private & group classes FOR BOOKINGS CALL: 561-644-4037 [email protected] . . .CLICK THE LINK TO WATCH ALL MY PROFESSIONAL KOMPA DANCE VIDEOS HERE ⬇️⬇️🇭🇹🇭🇹👀👍 https://youtube.com/channel/UCFrn35ptYXIx1ZM9ZSYWwiA?sub_confirmation=1 . . .#claudeldanceinstructor #nulifedancestudio #kompadancer #kompaisversatile #haitiankompavideo #dancer #beauty #lover #kompadance #haitian #kompa #dance #zouk #haitiankompa #konpa #kizomba #haiti #music #Love #fashion #sakpase #kompadancevideo #kompagouyad #entertainment #kompafro #gouyad #kompamovement #konpamovement