@thebeardedplantaholic: I don’t normally ask for help! However since I dislocated my knee again I’ve been finding getting around quite hard! I needed to water, and desperate times called for desperate measures… I had to ask for “help”! I didn’t realise that when a female child turns three they suddenly become a sassy tiny adult women that can only be bribed into helping! Where did my baby go?! Needless to say, we got the job done! Hope you are all having a cracking weekend! Love & light tiny phone people! ❤️🙏🫶🏽🪴 #h#houseplantcommunityh#houseplantclubh#houseplantsp#plantsofinstagramp#plantsmakepeoplehappyh#houseplantsofinstagramu#urbanjunglep#plantsi#indoorplantsp#plantloveri#indoorjunglep#plantstagramh#houseplantp#plantlifep#plantp#plantaddictp#plantdadh#howtop#plantparenthoodp#plantlovep#planttipsp#plantsplantsplantsh#houseplantlovet#thebeardedplantaholicl#livingwithplantsp#plantcollectionw#wateringp#plantproblemsp#plantsmakemehappyindoorgarden