@leaderofthepacklv: I said what I said and I’ll die 💀on this hill 💯 I get that a lot of you like dog parks. So here are the pros and cons. PROS ✅ - You get to see your dog have fun. - Your dog expels energy and comes home tired. - They get to play with friends. - You don’t worry about them running away. CONS ❌ - They can get into a fight and become badly injured - They can collide with another dog and become badly injured. - A dog can collide into you and you become badly injured - They could get bit - You could get bit - They can get sick - They learn bad behavior like jumping and excessive barking from other dogs - They become overstimulated and frustrated when they see other dogs on walks or at all. (See a dog, smell a dog syndrome) - They get bullied - They become a bully - They become defensive aggressive towards dogs - They become forward aggressive towards dogs - They become overwhelmed and start avoiding dogs - They develop resource guarding over toys because other dogs take their toys - Their recall sucks because you only really use it at the dog park where they’ve learned to blow you off. Shall I continue??? #dogparks #dogparkssuck #dogbehavior #dogsbeingdogs