@sarah.shephard: HOW TO PERFORM RDLS🤌🏽 —> follow strongwith_saruhhh on IG for more!! 🌟Feet shoulder width apart 🌟Hinging at the hips, Think of pushing your butt to the back of the room, and when you can’t push your hips back any farther, without compromising any other aspect of your form, that’s your range of motion 🌟Keep dumbbells/barbell close and tracking your shins throughout movement 🌟Keep core engaged and braced, back straight, neck and spine aligned 🌟More knee bend = more glute focused 🌟Less knee bend = more hamstring focused 🌟 go slow and controlled throughout entire movement to perfect form & improve mind muscle connection #GymTok #rdls #rdl #romaniandeadlifts #rdlproperform #fitspo #gluteworkout #glutesworkout #foryou #gymgirls #gymgirl #fitnesstips #gymtips #workouttips #workoutroutine #Fitness