@michelle_louise_vinhos: Quais são as funções do decanter? #vinho #decanter #dicadevinho #acessoriosdovinho

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Thursday 09 March 2023 20:09:30 GMT




Marconi Lima :
para mim, a primeira é peça de decoração na adega. é lindo. mas uso quando preciso separar os sedimentos ou quebra a rolha 😍🍷👏🏻👏🏻
2023-03-10 10:12:38
andradegomeshorac :
2023-03-09 22:49:08
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pov: you and sunghoon are classmates who became friends. actually, u had a crush on him since the first time u saw him, but because he's popular around girls who also admire him, u just keep it to urself. but what u didn't know is that among the girls who admire him, u're the one he's secretly admiring.   u two are close. sometimes, u assume what he's dealing with u because u feel like he's giving u mixed signal. all of ur friends always say that u two look good together. it also feels like he likes u but it isn't clearly stated, so it confuses u. all the actions he's showing u are confusing, but that's his way of showing u how he truly feels because he can't tell it. he's not aware that it confuses u.   tonight is his birthday, and u've been waiting for this moment. he'll throw a party at his place and only invite a few of his friends. u're done getting ready, and now u're also ready to go. sunghoon insisted on fetching u but u refused because u knew that he'll be busy since it's his birthday.   the party was already starting when u arrived. u saw sunghoon with his friends while looking around like he's looking for someone, and when his eyes caught u, he immediately smiled and walked towards u. ur heart beat faster as he approached u.
pov: you and sunghoon are classmates who became friends. actually, u had a crush on him since the first time u saw him, but because he's popular around girls who also admire him, u just keep it to urself. but what u didn't know is that among the girls who admire him, u're the one he's secretly admiring. u two are close. sometimes, u assume what he's dealing with u because u feel like he's giving u mixed signal. all of ur friends always say that u two look good together. it also feels like he likes u but it isn't clearly stated, so it confuses u. all the actions he's showing u are confusing, but that's his way of showing u how he truly feels because he can't tell it. he's not aware that it confuses u. tonight is his birthday, and u've been waiting for this moment. he'll throw a party at his place and only invite a few of his friends. u're done getting ready, and now u're also ready to go. sunghoon insisted on fetching u but u refused because u knew that he'll be busy since it's his birthday. the party was already starting when u arrived. u saw sunghoon with his friends while looking around like he's looking for someone, and when his eyes caught u, he immediately smiled and walked towards u. ur heart beat faster as he approached u. "h-happy birthday, sunghoon," u greeted him, handing ur gift. "thanks," he said, taking the gift from u. "come on, i'll introduce u to my friends." u were shocked because he didn't wait for u to respond, but he grabbed ur hand. u followed him while looking at his hand holding urs. here he goes again with his signals. he began introducing u to his friends with a genuine smile on his face. after that, u sat at ur mutual friend's table while sunghoon entertained some of his friends that u didn't know. u are just so happy while looking at him. later on, he looked at u and caught u staring. he smiled and was about to go to ur table when suddenly a girl grabbed his arm. he turned around, and a smile was drawn on his lips. they started talking, and u wondered what they were talking about because they seemed pretty close. almost an hour had already passed. sunghoon must have forgotten about u being here because they've been talking for so long now. there's a weird feeling inside of u. as much as u hate to admit it, u knew u're feeling. u just grabbed a few drinks while preventing urself from looking at them. later on, u felt bored, so u just decided to leave the party without informing sunghoon. u stood up ur seat and walked away. u were already outside when u felt like someone is following u and grabbed ur arm. u turned around and saw sunghoon. "where are u going?" he asked, worriedly. "i'm going home, it's getting late." u faked a smile while trying to remove his hand from ur arm. his face turned sad when u said u're going home. "i'm sorry, did u feel bored?" he asked again worriedly. "no, of course not," u denied. "then let's go back," he said, and he grabbed ur hand, but this time u didn't follow him. "why are u doing this to me?" u whispered, looking down at his hands on urs. "what?" he gave u a confused look. "u can't treat ur friends like this," u said, pulling ur hands away from him. u don't know how u manage to say those words but he's now surprised. "i'm sorry," he said sadly. "u're confusing me, sunghoon!" u exclaimed. u finally had the courage to say it to him, maybe because of the alcohol u drank. "i didn't know that it's how u feel," he said, lifting his gaze and meeting urs. u remained silent for a while before responding. "it feels like u like me but u don't, and the fact that we're only friend--" he cut u off. "we can't be friends," he said. "i don't want us to be just friends," he continued in a serious manner while looking straight into ur eyes. "what do u mean?" u asked. "i like u, okay? i'm sorry if it confuses u but that's how i truly feel," he confessed. his voice was filled with sincerity. (comsec++) #enhypen #enhypenpov #sunghoon #SUNGHOON #parksunghoon #PARKSUNGHOON #fyp #FYP
