@mim1cgacha: “Don’t blame it on the KID(s).” — Reminder once again before you attack me ; Hiachi did NOT free Kintoru(Sama) she only gave Kintoru(Sama) some of her powers back THAT IS AS OF NOW BEFORE THE LORE GOT REVAMPED ( It’s wild how many people think/or thought hiachi was the reason for this — NOT HATE/OR SHADE TO PEOPLE WHO DID THINK THIS!! Alos this song slaps ) ; Tags ; #themimic #robloxmimic #themimicroblox #hiachimimic #kid #viral #child #videostar #bookone #edit #control #samamimic #kintorumimic #mention #animationmeme #song #gachatween #transition #hiachi #edit #viral? #badquality #fyp #book1 #urbanlegend #horrorgame