@rippleeffectngo: Despite what Tiktok and the media might tell you, charities are not money-grabbing organsiations that want to steal your money so they can pay their staff and CEO 🙄 So here are 3 reasons why you shouldn’t give to charity, from someone that works for a charity. It’s an incredibly difficult time at the moment for so many people. So if you are struggling to provide for your family don’t feel guilty for not supporting charities. You can always sign petitions or support their social media accounts if you want to help. You should also treat giving to charity like you would any financial commitment. Read their annual reports, see where the money is going and look them up on the charity comission website. Check that the charity has strong impact in their sector and that their growth is sustainable. #Charitytok #charitiesoftiktok #nonprofittok #nonprofittiktok #ngo #rippleeffectngo #givingtocharity #charitygiving #charitiesthatactuallymakeadifference #charitywork #supportcharity