@thebudgetmom: ✌️ Cash Envelopes 👋 Spending Trackers For March, I changed how I keep track of my spending by replacing many of my cash envelopes with spending trackers. Instead of having six cash envelopes, I now only have three. To use spending trackers in your wallet, you will still give yourself a spending limit for your variable spending categories, just like you would when using the cash envelope method. Instead of spending physical cash and tracking it on the back of your cash envelope, you use your debit card and record the transaction on your spending tracker in real time. Yes, I track my variable spending in two places. I ONLY use my spending trackers to see how much I have to spend in each category at any time. I use my expense trackers to close out my budget. What helped me control my spending was seeing the consequences of my spending and being aware of how much I had to spend at all times. That is a must if you need help with overspending! #thebudgetmom #budgetqueen #cashenvelopesystem #cashenvelopes #cashenvelopestuffing #cashenvelopemethod #spendingmoneywisely #budgetgoals #budgettips #budgetbypaycheckmethod #cashenvelopewallet #budgetlife