@brightly.eco: Have you tried growing green onions at home? Follow these simple steps to get a steady supply of green onions from the comfort of your kitchen! 1) Chop three inches from the bulb end of your green onion stalk, leaving the white roots on the bottom attached. 2) Submerge the green onions roots in one inch of water, either in a glass or a small jar. 3) Place in a well-lit spot. 4) Keep those roots moist and change the water frequently. 5) Watch them grow! #livebrightly #reducefoodwaste #Sustainability #plantfoods #plasticfreefood #fightfoodwaste #backyardharvest #zerowastefood #plantcommunity #easyecotips #urbanfarm #squarefootgardening #homegarden #reuse #growyourown