@alzufeeds: 💡DIY TIPS💡 In the hot areas of our country the farmers struggle with tick infestations throughout the year. This can lead to major damages to body parts like ears and udders on our animals.🐂🐏🐐 This wil lead to infections which can cause long term damage that cannot be fixed. By applying a product like Eraditick tick grease to these body parts can keep these sensitive body parts free from ticks, and cause them to function as they should💯 Head down to your local ALZU ons stop shop to pick up this awesome product if you are struggling with this problem‼️ ALZU FEEDS, YOUR ONE STOP SHOP 🐂🐖🐎🐐🐑🐕🐈🐓🦜🐇 • • • • • #alzufeedshereforyou #alzu #alzufeeds #farmerlife #farmers #country #farming #feed #feedforanimals #farmlife