@brightly.eco: Get your spring cleaning done sustainably with our Waste-Less Kitchen Starter Kit! 🧽 This $46 value features 3 of our favorite kitchen swaps for only $30. Here’s why we love these swaps: 1) Our Reusable Bowl Covers are machine-washable, reversible, and adjustable 🥣 2) The reusable, compostable, and extremely absorbent Swedish Dishcloths are perfect for wiping up spills and replacing paper towels 3) These Pop-Up Sponges are not only cute, but functional and biodegradable 🧽 Click the link in our bio to shop now! #livebrightly #KitchenHacks #sustainablekitchen #ecofriendlykitchen #kitchen #swedishdishcloth #bowlcover #sponge #springcleaning #cleaningsupplies #multipurposecleaner #sustainablecleaning #naturalcleaners #paperlesstowels #papertowelalternative #swedishdishcloths #cellulosesponges #biodegradeable #organiccotton #bowlcovers #ecoswap #ecoalternative #sustainableswaps