@nesha.vb: come along with me for a night in our life // our bedtime routine with our sleep trained toddler 🌙😴 #5to9afterthe9to5 here's what our 7PM-7AM bedtime routine looks like with our sleep trained baby. #sleeptrainingbaby #sleeptrainingsuccess #bedtimeroutine #toddlerbedtimeroutine #toddlerroutine #Sleeptraining101 #sleeptraininghelp #babyroutineeverynight #momtok #MomsofTikTok #toddlersoftiktok #newbornsleeptraining #blackgirlnightroutine #wfhmom #sahm Black mom lifestyle content creator day in the life relatable day in the life realistic evening night routine with baby toddler kids helpful routines with newborn baby toddler