@fred_duncan: This is what training looks like! This is Christian McCaffrey preparing for his next NFL season. He’s sprinting, jumping, and lifting, that’s what a well-rounded program looks like. I have learned so much from the Track and Field world, to the point where it’s completely changed how I program. Speed is a skill and you must train it. #christianmccaffrey #cmc #christianmccafrey #sanfrancisco49ers #49ers #footballtraining #nfloffseason #nfloffseason2023 #offseasontraining #trackandfield #track #trackwork #sprinttraining #sportstraining #sportstrainer #footballworkout #speedprogram #speedtraining #speedtrainingdrills #plyomertrics #trackstar #trackmeet #trackworkout #tracktraining #tracktrackandfield #runningback #runningbacks #footballspeed #footballdrills