@_lifewithjihan: Today was a semi regular morning with me and my dog. This is essentially our morning routine except...we went to home depot for plants which was…a joke of an experience. Anyway, we did some training on our walk like we usually do but i cut it short because it was freezing in NYC. We made our way to home depot this morning where my maltipoo was acting up. He usually loves dog outings but i guess he was overstimulated? As always we had to end the morning with a documentary. This one is Emergency NYC on netflix. They had a similar documentary show during covid which i loved! Its good but also sad🥲 #morningroutine #morningvlog #dogroutine #vlogtiktok #puppytrainingtips #dogsoftiktok #dogmom #realistic #documentaries #blackwomenlovedogs #blackgirltiktok