@tmitchellperformance: Here’s an effective way to increase explosive strength by using the French Contrast Method. This method uses a combination of complex and contrast training which is designed to induce physiological responses of an athlete and train along the force-speed curve (the relationship between force & velocity). Here’s an example: 1a. Heavy Compound Exercise 1-3 reps 80-90% 1b. Plyometric Exercise 3-5 reps 1c. Plyometric Exercise w/ Resistance 3-5 reps 40-50% 1d. Assisted Plyometric Exercise 4-6 reps The French Contrast Method may be beneficial for sports that require a high-volume output of force and power (E.g. Boxing, American Football, Track & Field, Etc.) Side note: there should be no resting in between reps. instead, take 3-5 minutes of rest after completing each set #fyp #foryou #nxtlevelathletix #trainlikeanathlete #frenchcontrast #frenchcontrastmethod #frenchcontrasttraining #lowerbodyworkout