@thebeardedplantaholic: Here’s to a great start to a long weekend! Crikey I haven’t had this many days off since Greece last year! Unfortunately for me it’s another busy few days however today was glorious! Time to relax and soak up a bit of the outdoor plants and be one with nature and the animals! I nearly left like I was abroad! Haha Hope you are all having a wonderful break! Sending love, joy & harmony tiny phone people! ❤️🫶🏽🙏🙌🏽🪴 #anthurium #plants #philodendron #plantsofinstagram #plantsmakepeoplehappy #monstera #thebeardedplantaholic #aroidaddicts #aglonema #aroid #houseplants #urbanjungle #indoorplants #alocasia #plant #plantlover #indoorgreenhouse #syngonium #flowers #tropicalplants #tanaman #caladium #anthuriumlovers #rareplants #houseplantclub #aroidsofinstagram #oneliners #comedy #houseplant #tanamanindoor