@svenandrobbie: It’s not where you think it is. 😏 Just Sven’s cheeks, chin, and ears. Happy National Pet Day! A day dedicated to unconditional love for our pets. However this doesn’t mean just hugs and kisses, it also means making sure they stay happy and healthy 💕 For us, it’s tending to Sven’s forever battle with year round allergies, Louise’s battle with seasonal allergies, and Robbie’s eye boogies. What do you do to make sure your pet stay happy and healthy? Vetericyn Plus Feline Antimicrobial Facial Therapy helps cat parents manage common feline issues around the face. It is non-toxic and safe for cat of all ages. We use it clean Sven’s chin acne and facial wounds and Robbie’s eye area. #NationalPetDayVetericynWay #Vetericyn #VetericynPartner #nationalpetday #catlover #catmom