@gainsbydre: Blast your biceps with these movements🔥 Fit is @tlfapparel | Code “TLF-DRE” to save 15% and support 🙏🏾 Looking to get your body right for the summer? 😎 Apply for 1:1 coaching using the link in my bio 🫡 I’ll build you a fully customized workout and meal plan to get you in your best shape when that warm weather hits 💯 Support codes: @legion: GAINSBYDRE @tlfapparel: TLF-DRE @gymreapers: DRE @rgmntco: DRE @nominal: DRE @unrefinedcle: DRE #fullworkout #swipeworkout #workoutroutine #workoutoftheday #onlinecoaching #onlinefitnesscoach #personaltrainer #bicepsworkout #biceps #bicepsexercise