@ocean.ramsey: A giant nudibranch called the Spanish Dancer had likely been caught out by the tide because they are rarely seen during the day. They have soft bodies with external gills so I had to be very careful to gently scoop him up. Once he was back in the water he undulated and danced and then we also slipped in for our dive and watched him sink slowly to the sandy ocean floor at the base of the reef. We went off to do my lava-tube freediving circuit and checked on him at the end and look how well he blends in, his frilly gills and coloration mimic the Sargassum above 💃🏽 Whale shark crop top by @xcelwetsuits Filmed on @gopro by @juansharks Location: Home. North shore of Oahu, Hale’iwa #Nudibranch #SpanishDancer #SharksCove #Oah #Hawaii #OneOceanFreediving #HawaiiMarineLIfe #oneocean #oneoceanhawaii #marinebiology #oneoceandiving #oneoceaneducation #marineconservation #apnea #freedivingthroughcaves #sharkID_Alyssa