@garden_with_tom: The grass seed has germinated 🌱 The grass seed sown in my recent reels has germinated and we have young delicate grass to look after. We should avoid standing on it for a month and let it grow to about three inches and only cut once it’s thickened up, and on the highest setting of your lawnmower. Please watch and listen along to my recent grass seed sowing reels to learn more about the technique I use to repair bare patches in my lawns. This is a quilting method and allows the seeds to germinate quicker, I’ve done this technique for many years and it’s always done the job to a very good standard 🌱 I’ve got a 10% discount promo code GWTLAWN2023 for you at www.bostonseeds.com @bostonseeds on lawn seed, fertiliser and lawn drop spreaders 👍 I do love a lush green healthy lawn 🌱 #lawn #lawncare #lawntok #lawntiktok #lawns #lawnsoftiktok #lawnseason #garden #gardening #gardening101 #gardeninghacks #gardeningtips #gardeningtools #gardeningtiktok #gardeninghack #gardeningideas #gardeningtipsforbeginners #gardeningforbeginners #gardenersworld #gardeners #gardenersoftiktok #gardenerslife #gardenersofinstagram #gardenersfriend #gardenersofthegalexy #gardenwithtom