@parakeetslimesshop: SHOP IS RESTOCKING TODAY @ 6PM EST 💕 here’s me assembling dirt n worms cup, one of my favorites new slimes i’ve ever made 🐛 - i’m so sorry for not posting content much this week. if you’ve been following up with my stories you’d know i’ve been having a ROUGH couple of weeks hehe. but honestly slime has been saving me. I rly love this weeks slimes & i’ve been using slime making as my therapy ( on top of actual therapy ofc lol ) but I really want to say how much I appreciate you guys and your support of me, even when things are tough. I 💕💕💕 u all so much :) - #slime#satisfyingvideos#asmr#oddlysatisfyingslime#shavingcream#glossyslime#thickslime#fluffyslime#sleepaid#jellyslime#milkslime#claypopping#crunchyslime#pop#asmr#clearslime#foodslime