@autumn.kitchen: ~Hurricane Cake Roll~ It’s been years since I last made a hurricane cake roll. For those who trying it, watch the rolling direction. Different directions gives different wavy pattern. *Cake Batter Ingredients* 5 egg yolk 60g milk 40g cooking oil 65g low protein flour 5 egg whites 50g sugar 5g lemon juice *Cocoa Paste* 10g cocoa powder 20g water Pan size - 11x11” Method ➡️ add milk and oil, mix well ➡️ Add cake flour and mix well ➡️ Add yolks and mix well ➡️ set aside ➡️ Beat egg whites with lemon juice with high speed ➡️ add 1/3 sugar when big bubbles seen ➡️ continue beating and add 1/3 sugar when meringue form finer bubbles ➡️ add last 1/3 sugar when meringue shows some line while beating ➡️ beat meringue to firm/medium peak ➡️ fold 1/3 of meringue to the yolk batter ➡️ pour back the batter to the balance meringue and fold well ➡️ Pour 200g batter in a clean bowl ➡️ Add cocoa paste and fold to combine to get the cocoa batter ➡️ Pour the plain batter in the baking pan, spread evenly ➡️ Pipe the cocoa batter on top ➡️ Use the back of the spoon to draw lines. Spoon shall touch the bottom of pan all the times without breaking. ➡️ Once done drawing one direction, turn the pan around 90 degree and repeat the same ➡️ Bake at 170C for 20mins ➡️ After baked, cool cake on rack completely ➡️ Spread your favourite filling and roll up ➡️ When rolling, make sure the batter lines are parallel to your body #cakeroll #swissroll #softcake #hurricanerollcake #hurricanecake #hurricanecakeroll #creamroll #蛋糕卷 #瑞士卷 #瑞士蛋糕捲