@momentsofgregory: Romantic days at the Italian Alps! #romance #Love

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Friday 21 April 2023 18:53:35 GMT




Linda Kormassa Monwa :
My Endless Love @anthonydixon610 this will be us on our honeymoon🥰🥰🥰
2023-04-22 23:54:59
PatrykR :
2023-04-21 19:22:22
Amoon Jan :
This vdio is very nice 🥰🥰🥰
2023-04-21 19:06:02
Fifi wa Bebe :
🥰🥰🥰🥰 visit dea
2023-04-21 19:00:34
Estenio Gabriel :
2023-04-21 18:55:28
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Episode 48 | Give her toys a rest and invite her over for dinner. #dinner #chicken #truffle #dessert Main course? Classic chicken Gordon blue with gruyere cheese, ham, and fresh black truffles. It was served with spinach and parsley puree, creamy potato puree, fresh shaven truffles, and a shallot and veal reduction stock. Taste 8.5/10 (a classic with clean and well-executed flavours, great for anyone who wants something simple).  What about dessert? Apple cinnamon crumble served with vanilla custard and vanilla white chocolate ice cream.  Taste 9/10 (a fantastic dessert that can be prepped in advance and made on the spot. Great visuals, classic flavours, can't go wrong with fussy eaters).  Options? a) Go all in and create both dishes (challenge) b) Only main course (medium) c) Only dessert (easy Order Of Sequence (general reference):  1. Prep stock 2. Prep potato puree and parsley/spinach puree 3. Prep chicken with truffle, cheese, ham and dredge 4. Prep Crumbel  5. Prep vanilla custard 6. Prep vanilla ice cream 7. Finish Potato puree 8. Finish Sauce 9. Pan fry Chicken Simple Veal Stock (serves 2) - 60g white ham prosciutto diced  - 4 shallots finely diced  - 65g unsalted butter cubed - 90g white Madeira - 60g red Porto  - 400g veal stock - Brown sugar for seasoning  - Nob of butter for seasoning - Sprig of rosemary for seasoning Sautee shallots with ham and butter until browned and caramelised. Add wines and reduce one-third. Add veal stock and reduce until almost syrupy. Strain over a fine sieve and add seasoning.  Chicken Gordon Blue (serves 2) - 2 small chicken breast  - Gruyere cheese slices - Fresh truffle Spinach Parsely Puree (serves 2) - 75g of spinach, leaves picked - 10g olparsley - 30g chicken stock - 15g unsalted butter - sea salt for seasoning  Blanch greens, then with ice water. Drain and squeeze out excess water. Add chicken stock and blend until smooth. Reheat with butter when ready to serve. Potato Puree (serves 2) - 250g mashing potatoes - 100g unsalted butter - 35g milk cream (+-) - 35g heavy cream (+-) - sea salt for seasoning  Cook potatoes. Dry out further if needed before passing through a fine sieve. Add milk/cream mixture and along with butter and seasoning.
Episode 48 | Give her toys a rest and invite her over for dinner. #dinner #chicken #truffle #dessert Main course? Classic chicken Gordon blue with gruyere cheese, ham, and fresh black truffles. It was served with spinach and parsley puree, creamy potato puree, fresh shaven truffles, and a shallot and veal reduction stock. Taste 8.5/10 (a classic with clean and well-executed flavours, great for anyone who wants something simple). What about dessert? Apple cinnamon crumble served with vanilla custard and vanilla white chocolate ice cream. Taste 9/10 (a fantastic dessert that can be prepped in advance and made on the spot. Great visuals, classic flavours, can't go wrong with fussy eaters). Options? a) Go all in and create both dishes (challenge) b) Only main course (medium) c) Only dessert (easy Order Of Sequence (general reference): 1. Prep stock 2. Prep potato puree and parsley/spinach puree 3. Prep chicken with truffle, cheese, ham and dredge 4. Prep Crumbel 5. Prep vanilla custard 6. Prep vanilla ice cream 7. Finish Potato puree 8. Finish Sauce 9. Pan fry Chicken Simple Veal Stock (serves 2) - 60g white ham prosciutto diced - 4 shallots finely diced - 65g unsalted butter cubed - 90g white Madeira - 60g red Porto - 400g veal stock - Brown sugar for seasoning - Nob of butter for seasoning - Sprig of rosemary for seasoning Sautee shallots with ham and butter until browned and caramelised. Add wines and reduce one-third. Add veal stock and reduce until almost syrupy. Strain over a fine sieve and add seasoning. Chicken Gordon Blue (serves 2) - 2 small chicken breast - Gruyere cheese slices - Fresh truffle Spinach Parsely Puree (serves 2) - 75g of spinach, leaves picked - 10g olparsley - 30g chicken stock - 15g unsalted butter - sea salt for seasoning Blanch greens, then with ice water. Drain and squeeze out excess water. Add chicken stock and blend until smooth. Reheat with butter when ready to serve. Potato Puree (serves 2) - 250g mashing potatoes - 100g unsalted butter - 35g milk cream (+-) - 35g heavy cream (+-) - sea salt for seasoning Cook potatoes. Dry out further if needed before passing through a fine sieve. Add milk/cream mixture and along with butter and seasoning.
