@spiritualbathsbylagypsy: A huuuge thank you to everyone who came out today for our meditation and messages from spirit event! It was so amazing! So happy to see so many of you that we haven’t seen in a while and of course, our tried and true regulars! You guys are amazing! Armando and I thank you from the bottom of our hearts for all of your love and support throughout all of these years. I truly hope you had an amazing time and you enjoyed the meditation and the messages from spirit today. May these messages bring you hope and peace in the knowing that good things are coming and that absolutely everything will be OK! Armando and I always talk about this, we have built such an amazing spiritual community! We hope that our products help you to feel better, sleep better and to attract amazing opportunities into your life. You always show us love and we are always grateful! Sending you all lots of good vibes, blessings y mucho achè pa ti coño! 💜💜💜 #lagypsy #psychicmedium #miami #spiritualbaths #legit #therealdeal #spiritualcleansing #spirituality #ancestors #spiritualism #magichands #magic #manifesting #crystals #candles #psychicmedium #jupiter #newmoon #fullmoon #Jupiter #Mercury #oshun #yemaya #ancestors #alumbre #manifestation #visualization #meditation #guidedmeditation #tarot