@007_1974_007: وقال أبو حنيفة: لا حدّ عليه في ذلك كله، ولا حدّ على من تزوج أمه التي ولدته وابنته وأخته وجدته وعمته وخالته وبنت أخيه وبنت أخته، عالماً بقرابتهن منه، عالماً بتحريمهن عليه، ووطئهن كلهن، فالولد لاحق به، والمهر واجب لهن عليه

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Sunday 07 May 2023 18:12:46 GMT




بلاد مابين النهرين :
2024-07-10 03:43:39
🇮🇶Wafa Aljyashy🇮🇶 :
الحمد لله على نعمة ائمتي الاثنى عشر 🌺
2024-08-02 23:14:13
A.a.M.الشهريه :
الله يحفظ الشيخ وليد اسماعيل
2024-06-10 12:35:09
ji87ji :
من يوم الي وعييت وانا لا اخذ بغير القران لا حديث ولا فتاوى ولا غيره
2024-08-13 19:34:37
كوميديا مضحكه_comedy :
يارب يسوع المسيح ارحمنا
2024-06-20 02:37:09
huseinhusein2352 :
ابو قماشة هذا شيعي وناشر المقطع مدلس لم يكمل رد الشيخ !! قديمة كثير .
2024-06-08 13:04:05
فا♡تن 🤎 :
هاذا ابو حنيفة منو بالصح ? 😳🙄
2024-06-19 15:49:41
الشامخ راعي الطيب :
ابو حنيفة لم يجيز نكاح الأم هذا الكلام مفترى على ابوحنيفة من الشيعة
2024-10-05 14:22:04
Que ta vie soit joyeuse :
ماشاء الله يا لها من سنه
2023-05-07 18:58:51
عبد الله البياتي :
اول من قال بخلق القرءان هوه ابو حنيفه
2024-05-03 02:39:40
اياد :
وليد اسماعيل خرج من الموضوع كلعاده
2024-06-28 05:20:20
التنوع فلحياه مطلوب :
هوه ده صح اول مره اسمع🙄🙆🏻
2024-07-11 12:41:21
Rahim :
هو الاعمي ما بيسمعش ولا امه ما تقوله انا امك ضلال وسنة منسوخة من كتب الكهنة والقسسة
2024-08-08 17:10:27
Ayoub Cherafa :
جزاك الله خيرا وليد اسماعيل دائما شبهاتهم ترجع عليهم
2024-06-12 00:45:10
eygfr_ :
ابو حنيفه يأتي بافتراضات لاوجود لها ويضع الحل لها
2024-07-10 14:25:32
abosuhail7 :
الفيديو مستقطع وايضا هؤلاء يرمون الشبهه ولا يتركون من أمامهم يرد على الشبهه ويستمرون في المقاطعة إلى أن ينتهي وقت البرنامج
2024-09-03 22:16:33
علي ولي الله :
الحمد لله على نعمه انتمائي الى محمد وال بيته والاممه الاثنى عشر
2024-08-28 06:07:25
withmuhanna :
الله يرحم والديك علاء المهدوي .. وعيتنا ❤️
2024-07-06 09:44:04
🇾🇪々إبَن الُِيمن★ :
:لا تستسلم ياصديقي انها مجرد طرق وخدع لأبعادك عن دينك ومبادئك فهناك جنات تنتضرنا وتذكر انه كل من عليها فان ويبقى وجه ربك ذو الجلال والإكرام
2024-10-27 19:15:04
الغاليه :
اف ع بالي يزوج امه قصده
2024-06-09 20:08:14
elhami shetta :
يابني ادم اعطيه فرصه يرد عليك
2023-05-08 21:51:16
roro :
الحلال ما حال الله والحرام ما حرمه الاه
2024-08-06 11:52:42
mnfrd :
الذي يتعامل بالربا اقل باب في الربا مثل ان ينكح الرجل امه هل هذا دليل على انه نكح امه .
2024-06-16 21:37:23
Alameri :
يا حلاوة
2024-04-30 05:29:34
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Your Ex’s Silence Isn’t Strength—It’s Stubbornness. Here’s Why No Contact STILL Wins! So, you’ve been in no contact. You’ve done the hard part—walking away, resisting the urge to reach out, giving them space to realize what they lost. But… nothing. No call, no text, no sudden realization on their part. And now you’re sitting here wondering… “Is no contact even working?” Let me tell you something: Just because your ex hasn’t cracked yet doesn’t mean no contact isn’t working. It just means they’re stubborn. And that? That’s exactly why no contact is the best thing you could possibly do. See, stubborn people operate on control. They like feeling like they’re the ones making the decisions, that they’re in charge of how things play out. When you go no contact, you’re taking that control away. They expected you to chase. They expected you to fold. And when you don’t? That creates cognitive dissonance—a psychological discomfort that happens when reality doesn’t match their expectations (Festinger, 1957). The research is clear: The best way to handle a stubborn person is to remove the reinforcement they’re used to (Skinner, 1953). Meaning, the more you give in, the more they dig their heels in. But when you don’t engage? When you don’t feed their need for power? That’s when the discomfort builds. Now, here’s the key: You don’t break no contact just because they haven’t responded yet. Some people take longer to feel the weight of your absence. Some will never admit they were wrong because their ego won’t let them. But that doesn’t mean no contact isn’t working—it means it’s exposing the truth. Because think about it: If someone is so stubborn that they’d rather lose you than take accountability, do you really want them back? Or do you just want them to prove they care? No contact isn’t about controlling their reaction—it’s about giving you clarity. If they come back, it’s because they chose to, not because you begged. And if they don’t? Then you have your answer: It was never about their stubbornness. It was about their unwillingness to fight for what you had. So if you’re in no contact and they refuse to come back? Let them stay gone. Because the right person won’t let pride cost them something real. And you? You deserve someone who values you more than they value being “right.” #nocontact #nocontactrule #ex #exes #selfrespect
Your Ex’s Silence Isn’t Strength—It’s Stubbornness. Here’s Why No Contact STILL Wins! So, you’ve been in no contact. You’ve done the hard part—walking away, resisting the urge to reach out, giving them space to realize what they lost. But… nothing. No call, no text, no sudden realization on their part. And now you’re sitting here wondering… “Is no contact even working?” Let me tell you something: Just because your ex hasn’t cracked yet doesn’t mean no contact isn’t working. It just means they’re stubborn. And that? That’s exactly why no contact is the best thing you could possibly do. See, stubborn people operate on control. They like feeling like they’re the ones making the decisions, that they’re in charge of how things play out. When you go no contact, you’re taking that control away. They expected you to chase. They expected you to fold. And when you don’t? That creates cognitive dissonance—a psychological discomfort that happens when reality doesn’t match their expectations (Festinger, 1957). The research is clear: The best way to handle a stubborn person is to remove the reinforcement they’re used to (Skinner, 1953). Meaning, the more you give in, the more they dig their heels in. But when you don’t engage? When you don’t feed their need for power? That’s when the discomfort builds. Now, here’s the key: You don’t break no contact just because they haven’t responded yet. Some people take longer to feel the weight of your absence. Some will never admit they were wrong because their ego won’t let them. But that doesn’t mean no contact isn’t working—it means it’s exposing the truth. Because think about it: If someone is so stubborn that they’d rather lose you than take accountability, do you really want them back? Or do you just want them to prove they care? No contact isn’t about controlling their reaction—it’s about giving you clarity. If they come back, it’s because they chose to, not because you begged. And if they don’t? Then you have your answer: It was never about their stubbornness. It was about their unwillingness to fight for what you had. So if you’re in no contact and they refuse to come back? Let them stay gone. Because the right person won’t let pride cost them something real. And you? You deserve someone who values you more than they value being “right.” #nocontact #nocontactrule #ex #exes #selfrespect
