@naturallyanoutsider: Do you remember the day my students started working on this project? 🥹 If you just recently started to follow me let me explain: I teach environmental science in which half of the students in this class are seniors. This week is their last week of school and final exams next week. #bittersweet Today, I refilled the reservoir of our Tower Garden for the last time before they take their plants home. I hope the kids learned to have appreciation for plants and the importance of these living organisms as a symbiotic relationship for human survival. They learned hard ways to grow plants and experienced some failure. They also learned that with a little bit of dedication, growing plants has many rewards including the SATISFACTION of successfully growing plants for their consumption. #LOVEPLANTS #plantsmatter 🌿 #conservation #nature #plants #towergarden #aeroponic #hydroponic #teachersoftiktok #teacher #scienceteacher #environmentalscience #biologyteacher #biology #sciencelab #foryou