@youngpeopleinrecovery: It’s National Prevention Week, and YPR chapters around the country are putting on amazing events to help raise awareness for substance use disorder and prevention tactics. YPR-Baltimore, MA hosted this event, and the results were incredible! 400 students attended, and our team handed out 100+ Narcan kits, 300+ fentanyl test strips, and a variety of other essential products. The best part is that this event (like all YPR events) was 100% free! #nationalpreventionweek #recovery #recoveryready #WeDoRecover #fyp #fypage #youngpeopleinrecovery #sobertiktok #sobertiktoks #tiktoksoberfam #tiktoksober #recoveroutloud #soberaf #recoverywarrior #recoverytiktok #tiktokrecovery #harmreduction #harmreductionsaveslives