@jacobzemer: Seated face pulls are the only way to do face pulls because otherwise people ego lift when they do this exercise. They put too much weight on the stack and they lean back rather than working their rear delts. If you do a bicep curl and you can’t feel your biceps, there’s a problem. But people do face pulls all the time and can’t feel their rear delts and then act like they just accomplished something. Enter the seated face pull, where you can’t egregiously lean back and you have to actually focus on using your rear delts. When I’m doing this I really focus on pulling my elbows apart and staying braced in my abdominals. #facepull #seatedfacepull #reardelts #trainertip #trainertips #Fitness #muscle #strength #workoutvideos #workoutvids #performancecoach #personaltrainer #nyctrainer #nycfitnesstrainer #nycfitfam