@drethegk: CATCH OR PARRY? • Catching is always the good standard. To end the danger and keep possession of the ball will greatly benefit the team in any circumstance. But trying to catch the ball is also when goalkeepers often make mistakes. So what factors play into my decision making to catch or parry? • First and foremost is my confidence. During training I want to push my limits to which shots I can catch to better understand my capabilities and increase them. When it comes to the game, I need to be almost sure I can catch it. If not, there is no problem with parrying it away out of danger. Never forget rule #1 keep the ball out the net. • The second factor is how concentrated am I on the ball. We are human and our focus wavers. Some days the ball moves in slow motion, some days it feels like its going way faster than normal. If I don’t have clear concentration on the ball and I’m unsure if the ball will stick, I need to switch my brain into parry mode and think where I can parry this ball to get it out of danger. • The 2 keys I use to help me in these are: 1 - I juggle a lot. This helps me improve my concentration stamina and my timing to better focus and read the ball. 2 - I’m always aware of what’s going on around me. Whenever I get the chance whether on offense or defense, I’m consistently scanning the field. I want to have as much information as possible to make the best decisions possible. • Follow @drethegk for more advice from a professional goalkeeper • #goalkeeper #portero #gardien #gardiendebut #torwart #goleiro #kaleci #portiere #malvakt #målvaktsträning #Torwarttraining #torontofc #goalkeeperpassing #goalkicks #neuer #ederson #gkcoachtoronto #goalkeepercoachtoronto #motivation #goalkeepermotivation