@ocean.ramsey: In this moment, I didn’t need to push down to deter Queen Nikki away from anyone except my own body and the current was pulling me into her as she opened and closed her mouth in response to making contact with me. If you’re ever in this position (I hope not on purpose unless you’re training with @oneoceandiving professionally) make sure to release your hand from the edge of the top of the snout if they lift their head up and move off to the side by following through with your opposite arm. 2nd placement before removing the other hand gives you leverage. Continue to move your legs out of the way in case they roll down, the idea is to “dance” move to towards their back continually. So much more to this than I can fit in a caption but there are some free videos on my website, links to my online video course and book. 💙 #queennikki #oneocean #oneoceandiving #savesharks #divewithsharks #sharkidsam