@lifestories.goalcast: Replying to @Life Stories by Goalcast Part 5 of 6: What happened the night Halle Berry's family got into a brutal fight? We explore the shocking events that occurred the night Halle's family was torn apart, as well as her history of choosing the wrong men, from one who stole all of her jewelry to another who punched her so hard she went deaf. After years of pain, She thought she'd finally found the perfect man, but the worst was yet to come. Now, she finds herself in a custody battle from hell, desperately fighting to protect her daughter. Will Halle Berry be able to shield her family from the ongoing violence around her, or is it already too late? Halle Berry Exposes Her Violent Ex In a Custody Battle From Hell #halleberry #violentmen #gabrielaubry #oliviermartinez #HalleBerryInspiration #HalleBerryQuotes #custodybattle #ericbennett #celebrity #halleberryoscars