@relationsh1psfacts: Did you recently have a relationship end and are wondering how to glow up after a breakup? Or has it been a long time and you’re still not over that person? It feels like no matter what you do, you can’t get over them. You make a little bit of progress, but then you backpedal into your past habits. You have symptoms of your heart being in deep pain that you can’t remove and possibly low self-esteem. Don’t pressure yourself to get over them as fast as others do. You’re on your own timeline. One of the best ways to get over a breakup is learning to love yourself and building your self-confidence. You will come out stronger if you’re brave enough to put in the work. #relationshipadvice #datingadvice #investinyourself #forgiveyourself #trustyourself #becomethebestversionofyou #forgetyourex #exboyfriend #breakup #breakupglowup #breakupquotes #HealingJourney #healingprocess #healingheart #brokenheart #feelthepain #relationshipfacts #relationshiptips #relationshipproblems #relationshipthings