@infamousmamahenry: This is what escalation looks like when people don’t do their jobs. I’m an extremely liberal non-gun girlie who has a hard time with the idea of owning something that could so easily take life. But I will do absolutely anything to protect my son (& my daughter.) Its funny cuz people told me that Black Lives Matter, was going to come into our neighborhoods and rob us. Meanwhile, it’s those same people’s kids approaching the only black person’s house on the street in darkness & disguise concealing something in their hands. And everyone wonders why I get on here & talk about how AWFUL this place is 🙄🚮 #racist #whitepeople #racistkids #grandville #blackpeople #guns #westmichigan #liberalaf #protector #skimasks #heyjoey #grandvillehighschool #grandvillemichigan #blackmoms #biracial