@montgomeryfrizzles: TW: Blood Test ***This testing was performed by and under the supervision of a licensed professional. This video is for educational purposes!*** No animals were harmed in the making of this video. Natural selection is beyond our control. Chickens get medical care too. Bernadette’s BSL was low but we will continue to monitor to get a better idea of her baseline. My flock is monitored and treated by the best in TX, OK, and LA. The starfish and a commenter with great research skills brought a potential problem/solution to my attention and we are in the process of digging deeper. TikTok is awesome…except for whoever reported my most educational video yet. That’s like turning off the TV at the end of a good mystery movie. Lame. #J#Jareggj#jarchickj#jarchickenj#jarjarbeaksj#jar3poj#jare#egge#experimente#eggsperimentg#growthg#gestationd#developmente#embryof#fetusbirthdefect #abnormality #genetics #bloodsugar #diabetes #hypoglycemia #hyperglycemia #bernadette #salmonfaverolles #hen #f#farmfreshe#eggsc#countryf#farmlifes#scienceb#biologys#steml#learningh#homeschoole#educations#stemm#montgomeryfrizzlesm#montgomeryt#texasm#mocotx