@nuerospiceymamaa: When they say cant show them they can never let a lable define your life he a advocate for you and your child i know getting my sons diagnoses i sat and cried so much was threw at us so fast i didnt know what to do where to turn pamphletes and folders of so mamy papers to read betwen googling and researching thag night me and my husband just sat and said what do we do freling we couldnt take anytbing on our lives did change that day and the hate … i never knew how mens people can get how sad society is when it comes to having a special needs child to any momma who is in that boat in my shoes who got the diagnoses and dont know where to turn please message me because you matter your baby matters how you feel is so valid . #fyp #momtok #specialneedsmom #autismmom #viraltok #specialneedsmom #autism #nonverbalautism #verbalautism #specialneeds #asd #autismspectrumdisorder #autismacceptance