@yummyyumtv: [ 전자레인지 매운 팽이버섯 어묵볶음 ] 전자레인지로 밥도둑을 만들었어요! 누구나 좋아하는 팽이버섯과 어묵에 감칠맛 가득한 매콤한 양념까지 반찬 해서 두고 먹으려고 했는데..... 그자리에서 다 먹어버렸어요 ❤️ 꼬득한 팽이버섯 식감과 어묵의 고소함 맛있는 양념의 조화가 극강 조합이였던 전자레인지로 요리하는 간편한 밥도둑 반찬 전자레인지 매운 팽이버섯 어묵볶음 레시피입니다! - 1. 팽이버섯 한봉 밑둥을 잘라 내어 찢어 준비합니다. 2. 어묵 2장 잘게 잘라주세요. (영상 대로 잘라야 젓가락 쓰기 좋아요!) 3. 전자레인지 사용 가능 용기에 어묵과 팽이버섯 물 조금 넣고 랩 씌워서 구멍 뽕뽕 뚫은 후에 전자레인지 4분 돌려주세요. (어묵과 팽이 모두 잘 익어요!) 4. 전자레인지 이용하는 동안에 양념도 만들어주세요. 고추가루 2스푼, 마늘 1/2스푼, 진간장 2스푼, 설탕 1스푼, 참기름 1스푼, 통깨 1스푼, 대파 조금, 청양고추까지 넣어주면 양념은 완성입니다. 5. 양념과 같이 섞어주고 통깨로 마무리하면 맛있는 어묵 , 꼬득한 팽이버섯과 조합이 너무 최고였던 밥도둑 반찬 완성입니다 ✨️ - [Microwaved Spicy Enoki Mushroom Stir-fry] I made a rice thief with a microwave! I was going to eat everyone's favorite enoki mushrooms and fish cakes with a spicy seasoning full of umami as a side dish, but..... I ate it all on the spot ❤️ The texture of enoki mushrooms and the savory taste of fish cake The combination of delicious seasonings was the ultimate combination. A simple rice thief side dish cooked in the microwave This is a recipe for stir-fried fish cake with spicy enoki mushrooms in the microwave! - 1. Prepare the enoki mushrooms by cutting off the base and tearing them. 2. Cut 2 fish cake into small pieces. (It's better to use chopsticks when you cut them as per the video!) 3. Put some fish cake and enoki mushroom water in a microwaveable container, cover it with plastic wrap, pierce a hole, and microwave it for 4 minutes. (Eomuk and top are both well cooked!) 4. Make seasoning while using the microwave. Add 2 spoons of red pepper powder, 1/2 spoon of garlic, 2 spoons of dark soy sauce, 1 spoon of sugar, 1 spoon of sesame oil, 1 spoon of sesame seeds, a little bit of green onion, and seasoning is complete. 5. Mix with seasoning and finish with sesame seeds. The combination of delicious fish cakes and thick enoki mushrooms is the perfect side dish for rice thieves ✨️ - #맛플_레시피 #어묵볶음 #팽이버섯 #팽이버섯레시피 #밥도둑 #전자레인지 #전자레인지레시피 #전자레인지활용 #팽이버섯볶음 #전자레인지반찬 #어묵팽이버섯 #팽이버섯어묵 #매콤반찬 #어묵볶음레시피 #팽이버섯레시피
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Region: KR
Tuesday 30 May 2023 14:15:21 GMT
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2025-01-21 23:22:25
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