@britishgardencentres: A super fun and easy activity to do with your children this half term for National Children’s Gardening Week is making Grass Heads 🥳 All you need to do is: 🌱 Cut a 20cm length of stocking that includes the toe 🌱 Add 2 teaspoons full of grass seeds into your stockings 🌱 Add a few handfuls of peat free compost into the stocking on the grass seed 🌱 Tie a knot at the open end of the stocking and mould it into your desired head shape 🌱 Place your Grass head into your small pot tail first 🌱 Decorate your Grass Head with googley eyes stickers 👀 🌱 Give it a light watering and place on a sunny windowsill and wait for the hair to grow Have Fun! 🤩 #britishgardencentres #britiainkeepgrowing #nationalchildrensgardeningweek