@saikofood: GIANT BOMBING SQUID is literally my favorite thing to get at the @626nightmarket_oc This fried squid is like the size of my arm so that already is a good 2-3 ft you know! But all in all I’m so excited for another season of the @626nightmarket going underway! If you don’t know what it is it’s a night market where they have all these kinds of unique food vendors, small businesses, and carnival games! If you are from the OC or SGV area this is like the summer activity to do! It’s fun too for all ages! What are you trying to get first? #nightmarket #friedsquid #626nightmarket #streetfood #asianfood #fairgrounds #giantsquid #asiansnacks Orange County food asian food Orange County 626 night market food festival food market street food Asian street food snacks oc fair grounds Orange County events sgv food 626 area 626 food things to do Orange County Costa Mesa activities