@naturalistic.faith: MINI TWIST VOICEOVER Here is the tutorial we all been waiting for. It is still super quick but with a few extra important details. I love the results I received from my mini twists this go round on blow dried hair! It seem to take way less time to do them and the hang time is real ok! What Works For Me: - Have my hair already parted in sections (let me know if you want more detailed video) - Not focusing on parts in the back and just free forming my parts for a more natural look - Setting aside designated time to complete this style - Using this time to trim my ends These are a few takeaways fro my experience doing mini twists this time. Let me know in the comments if you are doing mini twists this summer! ☀️ Check out my YouTube Channel: Fabulous Faith for my mini twist tutorial on wet hair! Link in bio! Also use my code: naturalisitc.faith for 15% off on the @Uncle Funky's Daughter website SN: Don’t forget to take snack breaks lol 🥪 #minitwists