@ladyspinedoc: Case study 79 answer - Peroneal Neuropathy @Ladyspinedoc | Dr. Grunch 🧠 The peroneal nerve is a branch of the sciatic nerve. It supplies movement and sensation to the lower leg, foot and toes. Common peroneal nerve dysfunction is a type of peripheral neuropathy (nerve damage outside the brain or spinal cord). This condition can affect people of any age. Common peroneal nerve is a type of mononeuropathy. Mononeuropathy is nerve damage to a single nerve. Certain body-wide conditions can also cause single nerve injuries. Damage to the nerve disrupts the myelin sheath that covers the axon (branch of the nerve cell). The axon can also be injured, which is a more severe injury that causes similar symptoms.(source: mountsinai.org) #neurosurgery #casestudy #sundaycasestudy #ladyspinedoc #healthcareworker #hospital #surgery #neurosurgeon #medicalschool #medstudent #medicalstudent #nursing #pastudent #paschool #footdrop #legpain #peronealneuropathy #peronealnerve #peripheralnerve