@danifernandez.go: I want to be able to help yes! But I sm in no way qualified to cure/treat ED’s at alllll. Only thing I have is my story and tips based on my own journey and I share them FOR FREE here 💕 I have found that community is so important when trying to get better + the feeling of not being able in our own struggles… but if I want to build something up in the future based on what I went through it will definitely be something that makes me feel proud and that will NOT sacrifice my integrity or promise a cure because it is not my place! I have been working on gathering ideas haha like journals or different products because it’s something I love and helped me in the past 💕 just don’t fall victim into thinking a fitness coach will give you the freedom you want from an ED ❤️ #recovery #girls #edrecocery #bodyimage #bodylove #bodypositivity #bodyneutrality