@justinschumanofficial: READ the caption for more of the story ⬇️ *I am not sharing this to invite ALCOHOL IS EVIL comments.* I want you to know that I’m a real, flawed person who misjudged and calculated poorly. My reason for drinking was not great because it was to avoid feeling something, and becoming aware of that is a good learning experience. But the point is that I didn’t even REALIZE how thrown and disregulayed I was by the genuienly triggering stuff that happened earlier in the day. If I had been more mindful of it, I might’ve made a more informed decision for me and my body. When the good stuff happens, celebrate it. When the bad stuff knocks you off your axis, acknowledge it. Because when you don’t clock the good you also start ignoring the bad… and it’s hard to know where your breaking point is. And I clearly lost sight of mine. Stay safe kiddos. xoxo