@sarahrav: No more gatekeeping! You NEED to know about these life-changing study hacks 🧠😭💯👩🏽🎓 - THE TECHNIQUES: 1️⃣ Pomodoro Technique - 25min study, 5min break. Repeat × 4 then take a 15-20min break. Will revolutionise the way you work, how efficient you are, and your focus ⏰ . 2️⃣ Active Recall - retrieve information when prompted without reading/looking at your notes (eg Flashcards, Blurting, Practice Questions), to force your brain to retain the information for next time 🧠 . 3️⃣ Spaced Repetition - review content at regular, increasing intervals to help commit to long-term memory. For example: —> when you get home from school —> again that weekend —> the weekend after —> in a fortnight —> in a month —> in 3 months 📅 - #studyhacks #studytips #studytok #academicsuccess #students