@mila.magnani: Did you know the average weight gain of a woman with #hypothiroidism is 30lbs? I wish more people would tell you to check your hormones and thyroid function when you opened up to them about your difficulty with weight gain and #weightloss. It would have saved me a lot of sweat and tears. To the eyes of my fitness trainers and doctors, I was perfectly healthy. Yeah, I had an A-typical representation of a body with metabolic syndrome and hypothyroidism. Thats why I was given an intensive fitness and diet plan. But when I plateaued and fatigued, both social media and my trainers told me to watch my fork, keep pushing, and to go even harder. My body broke down. And when I took a break, I gained the weight back and some…. +25 lbs more!!!! I want to clarify that this is my personal journey and experience! During the height of my symptoms and high cortisol levels, I chose to avoid any high intensity exercises. Still to this day, that is how I feel my best. Everyone is different and you should always listen to your body. #hypothyroidismweightgain #cantloseweight #helpwithweightloss #metabolicadaptation #overtraining #thisiswhyicantloseweight
Region: US
Monday 03 July 2023 16:04:56 GMT
mdv★ :
I have hypothyroidism and some ppl just dont understand that I’m not being lazy on purpose, but its FATIGUE😭
2023-07-10 06:36:28
Amapola_0716 :
I have hypothyroidism but I can’t really understand your videos on what to actually do to make it better, to depuff face and what to actually eat :(
2023-07-03 17:21:08
Saloni :
I got diagnosed with clinical hypothyroidism and the doctor gave me 50mg levythoxerinw to have evryday
2023-07-03 19:53:44
🌷 :
just want to let u know my name also mila n also have hyperthyroidism
2024-11-18 14:41:20
kenz :
you speak so beautifully
2023-07-03 16:54:55
Pearl :
I have insulin resistant PCOS, and that has made losing weight very difficult. No matter how hard I tried to lose weight with exercise, I just kept on
2023-07-04 08:09:33
eliana_breakingwave :
I have both hypothyroidism and PCOs.. did you struggle gaining muscle as well?
2023-07-03 17:06:58
Katie Marie 🎀🧸🤍💫 :
1) I had hyperthyroidism so mine was the opposite & I was losing weight too quickly. My doctor said the disease was killing me so she did surgery on
2023-08-05 10:58:59
ela :
How can one test for hypothyroidism?
2023-07-03 19:10:29
emily :
I’ve had hypothyroidism all my life and I’ve never seen anyone talk about it here omg
2023-07-09 05:53:07
natalie :
I have an appointment with a naturopathic doctor to get a full thyroid panel because I have all of the symptoms of hypothyroidism. part 2 pls!
2023-07-03 19:52:12
ScarletCarsonArt :
pcos, insulin resistance, pre diabetes, hormones imbalance... no diet ever worked... but keto helped me lose 32kg so far.
2023-07-08 11:42:32
Mryam :
I am in your position i too have hypothyroidism and pcos 🥺 help 😭
2023-07-03 17:00:24
Nicole Alejandra :
I could literally hear you talk 24/7 and not get tired.
2023-07-03 18:45:32
megcarraway :
Commenting to bring part 2 back 2 me. We need more ppl like you to help the rest of us struggling w/pcos etc💕thank u!!
2023-07-03 17:59:27
Meghan Lane :
This is literally happening to me. Working out 5 days a week eating 1700 calories. Apple Watch says I’m burning 800 calories a day and I’m making
2023-07-03 19:31:02
Parvina :
What exactly did u ask ur doctor when u went for a check up?
2023-07-04 02:03:40
đầu bánh bao :
How do we get a diagnosis for PCOS?
2023-07-04 03:05:13
Paige :
I have pcos and hypothyroidism and I feel like it makes it so difficult to lose weight. I just want to do right by my body and be healthy
2023-07-05 20:24:15
❔ :
dude im so happy sm made a hypothyroidism wl video like im so tired of being fat 😭
2023-07-10 05:47:01
Dnn.Gallery :
I have PCOS, I stared running (cause I had so much energy) I’ll get home and honestly get so bloated! So now I just listen to my body
2023-07-04 13:21:30
Stephseries :
So excited! When I first starting experiencing the rapid weight gain I also went to a trainer, spent $1000, and ended up worse than where I started.
2023-07-03 20:23:52
Roxanne 🇻🇦⛸️ :
I have hypothyroidism and I don’t know if I have PCOS (I think I do?), but instead of losing weight, I keep gaining for no reason..
2023-07-08 08:22:01
Cori is my second name :
Looking forward to those videos as all of this is driving me crazy right now. Im at my worst shape ever and want to sleep all day
2023-07-03 16:27:46
To see more videos from user @mila.magnani, please go to the Tikwm